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Download POWr Form Builder Drupal 8 Extension!

Close sales 75% faster in less than 5 minutes with POWr Form Builder.

POWr Form Builder is the solution for non-technical emerging Shopify merchants looking to sell faster, sell more and save time without any coding or steep learning curve. Simple and intuitive to build, you’ll have it up on your site in 5 minutes!

POWr is trusted on over 8 million websites and by thousands of Shopify businesses including Buddha Pants, Happy Dog Food, Sake Company, Fitpacker, Jupmode and Michele’s Granola.

What results can you expect?

  • Robert Is Here - Closed sales 3X faster and grew $0 - $250K in online sales within their first year using Form Builder.
  • Branded Fruit - Cut 50% time spent responding to inquiries by using automated emails, image uploading and date selection, closing sales faster. They also now save 10 hours of organizational time per week by using Zapier to automatically sync form responses with Airtable and Slack.
  • Buddha Pants - Widened their distribution network globally by collecting reseller and distribution applications.

Sell 3x Faster

Reduce the time required to complete a sale by collecting customer contact information, custom order requests, file uploads and quote requests with Form Builder. Save up to 75% of your follow-up time with instant email or SMS notifications for you and autoresponder emails for your customers.

Sell 4x More

Accelerate sales by collecting wholesale, reseller and brand ambassador applications with Form Builder so you can widen your distribution network and automate your onboarding process with conditional autoresponder emails that give follow-up instructions. You’ll be selling up more and to more people in no time!

Save 50% Time

Save 50% of your time by eliminating unnecessary manual tasks from your workflow. Automating data exports using the Google Sheets, Mailchimp and Zapier integrations, so you have more time to focus on what’s important.

Don’t know code or programming?

The POWr Editor is code-free and easy-to-use so you can customize your form to match your site perfectly. It’s the same for all other POWr modules available in Drupal, so you’ll never have a steep learning curve. Read the guide here.

Need help getting set up?

If you have any questions or need help getting up and running with Form Builder, we’re here to help! Unlike most app providers we offer a Help Center for answers, free support and our awesome team are available 24 hours a day.

Every day without Form Builder costs you 75% of the time you could be spending closing sales. Get started for free today and have your form live on your site within 5 minutes with no code!

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