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About Genova Entity

Genova entity module generator extends genova module with new drush command for full custom entity module generation.


drush gen-emc <module name>


  • For access/permission strings use everywhere {human_name} but all low cases - we need new parameter {human_name_lowcase} or something like that for this in templates.
  • Entity type bundle should have lable - already has it in table add UI support
  • Fix menu item label for bundle - for example breadcrumb bundle label is missing in bundle admin UI.
  • Maybe we should have define({name}_BASE_URI, {base_uri}); in main module file and use this constant everywhere where it is needed?
  • Consider decoupling file to, and
  • Consider changing 'type' db column that is hodling bundle name to 'bundle' column name - don't try to use name or type to avoid and free name space for that properties.
  • Add entity class name in all functions where it makes sense, for example entity_add()...
  • In which menu should we put CRUD menu items?
  • Add default view for {name}_view_all() callback.
  • Add simpletest templates for basic CRUD operations.
  • Check exportable support.
  • Check i18n support.
  • Add new entity to existing module - decouple entity module templates to components.
    • Start with revision part - user should be able to select do he want or not revision support.
    • Then bundle support - user should have an option of choosing configurable bundles or only one default bundle.
  • Merge with genova core.


This module is a product of MontenaSoft web development company.

Project information
