The jQuery Easing module makes the jQuery Easing plugin available for Drupal modules/themes to use. It provides no functionality of it's own and should only be installed if another project requires it.

Required Modules


  • Create a directory named 'easing' under your site's libraries directory (either sites/all/libraries or sites/SITENAME/libraries).
  • Download the jQuery Easing plugin from and put it in this directory.
  • Move/rename (or copy, or symlink) this file to remove the version number from the file name. eg. `mv jquery.easing.1.3.js jquery.easing.js` (See #964986: Support version- and variant-dependent filenames for why this is necessary.)
  • Enable the jQuery Easing module as usual. If installed correctly, you should see the library version number at admin/reports/status.

Project information
