This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.

This module uses the language settings from the user's browser to redirect to the path prefix matching the language code, if that langugage is enabled on the site. It all happens with JavaScript.

Let's say that I have my browser set up to use English as main language, and I am visiting a site that has Danish as its default language. I would then be redirected from to every time I hit the url without the path prefix.

If you have a language switcher available to the users on the site (Drupal's own Language Switcher Block), then the user's preference will be saved in a cookie when one of the languages in the language chooser is clicked.

The module depends on the Libraries API module and uses dansingerman's jQuery-Browser-Language script


Please note

If you change path prefixes to something other than the two-letter codes, like 'en' or 'da,' this will not work. The code naïvely takes the two first letters of the accept header from the browser and uses that as path prefix. If you use default settings you should be fine. The language codes conform to these standards:

Module is developed at Reload! and sponsored by IDA.

Project information
