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Build scores for nodes based on the results of metrics functions.

This module was originally created as a 2007 Google Summer of Code project.

How it works

First, a quick glossary of terms:

A metric is a function that takes a node and computes a numeric score and an explanatory string.
A ranking has a name, a numeric threshold, and a description. The ranking's purpose is to help a user interpret a property's score. Is a score of 30 is good or bad?
A property has a name and a description to explain what it measures. The property is made up of metrics and rankings. Each metric within the property can have options and a multiplier. The multiplier is used to adjust the importance of each metric in the overall score.
Property result
When a property is computed for a node, each metrics is evaluated, the numeric value multiplied by the multiplier then added to the total, and the explanatory strings concatenated. This is stored in the database and displayed in a block on the node's page.

The property results are computed during a cron run by first looking for missing results and then updating the most out of date. The administrator can determine how frequently the properties are updated and how many are updated in a single cron run.

Project information
