This module provides drush support for upgrading from Drupal 6 or 7 to Drupal 8. The plan is for this drush support to be added to drush itself at some point, at which point this module will become obsolete.


To use this with any modern version of Drupal, use the following command:

composer require drupal/migrate_upgrade:^4

  1. 4.0.x: This branch works with Drupal 9+ and Drush 9+.
  2. 8.x-3.x: This branch works with Drupal 8.2.x and above.
  3. 8.x-2.0: This release works only with Drupal 8.1.x. This release is no longer supported.
  4. 8.x-1.0: This release works only with Drupal 8.0.x. This release is no longer supported.


To run a complete upgrade of your legacy Drupal site to the current Drupal site:

drush migrate-upgrade --legacy-db-url=mysql://user:pass@ --legacy-root= 

You can also add a --configure-only option, which instead of running the migration will generate migration configuration entities, which may then be edited to customize the migration path and run using the migrate_tools module.

Bug reports

It is important to note that this module only provides the front-end to the upgrade process - if you see a problem with the results of your migration, this is almost certainly an issue with the core framework, and should be reported to the core issue queue with a component of "migration system".

Supporting organizations: 
Sponsor ongoing support
Sponsor ongoing support
Employer of author/maintainer at original module development time
Sponsored restoration of --configure-only for 8.x-2.x

Project information
