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The geo module is the next generation geospatial module for Drupal. Like Location, it provides storage for points, but it also supports lines and polygons.

Why is this useful? Because locations are more than addresses or dots on a map. Windmills in a field, for example, don't have a postal address for geocoding, but still need their coordinates stored and mapped. And data such as routes, city boundaries, or flight patterns all have storage and search requirements that cannot be expressed by simple dots. Fortunately, there is an open standard for expressing this type of data, and Geo takes advantage of spatially enabled databases (PostGIS and MySQL Spatial) for native storage, which leads to faster, more informational queries.

The development goal of this module is to make these features available to native Drupal functionality, and usable for just about anyone.

Geo Entity

Provides a Geo Entity, with default pre-configured address and area bundles. Including configuration of addressfield autocomplete geocoding.

Graceful Email Obfuscation Filter

This email obfuscation module works similar to the technique described at the list apart article http://www.ali

Webform IP Geo

Webform IP Geo provides a simple way to extract geo data from the IP of a webform submission.

User Geo Address

Provides a Block which renders Geographical address of the user on the basis of device location.

Simple Geo

Provides simple functionality for positioning content and users, nodes can also be given an area.

GMap + Geo

This module was written against an older version of the GMap module, and a development version of the Geo module. If you would like to use this code, it will require some heavy lifting. If you are interested in taking over this project, let me know.

Gmap_geo provides a Google Map location picker widget for Geo point fields and a Google Maps-based output formatter for point, line, and polygon fields.

HOWEVER: Gmap_geo was written for an earlier iteration of the Geo module. It has not been updated to use recent Geo API changes. If you are interested in maintaining or helping to maintain this module, please contact bec.


Gmap_geo adds functionality to Geo CCK fields, so to use its functionality you will edit a content type.

  • When adding a "Geospatial data" CCK field to a node type, among the widget options you will now see "GMap picker" along with the default "Direct Text Entry" and "Latitude / Longitude".

Apache Solr Geo

Geofield integration with the Apache Solr module.

Geo Block

Setting page

Creating blocks, the information to be displayed based on the current location of the user.


Allows visitors to tag their comments with a location chosen from a Google Map.


Geo GUI for entering Well-known text on an OpenLayer map.

This module has been ported to the OpenLayers module. Please use that one - it will be maintained.

Yahoo! GeoPlanet API

Yahoo! GeoPlanet (formerly The Yahoo! Internet Location Platform) provides a resource for managing all geo-permanent named places on Earth.


This is a project currently under development process. This is project is intend to get current user location data using google apis.

Geo Taxonomy

Attaches geo information (latitude, longitude, bounding boxes, etc.) to taxonomy terms. Provides Views integration.

Geofield GEOS

Decided to drop this module because my client didn't need something this nuanced, so I stuck to building something custom. Sorry!

Geo Proximity

This module will be a fork of the OpenLayers Proximity module which will create an admin interface so that the user can s

Geo Stats

This project integrates Google visualizations with GeoIP to make a great module which tells you where your visits are coming from.

Patched Geo

This is a branch of Geo module, with some patches applied.

Apachesolr Geo

Let's get some geo filtering working for Solr 3.5

Demo of current state of the project:

Geo Time Zone

API that determines the time zone based on geo location (coordinates or region or country).

Geo Tracking Limit

This module adds the capability to only track visitors from a certain geographic location (Switzerland) with the Google Tag Manager.
