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A replacement for the ping module for Drupal. It allows pinging of multiple sites (configurable via a web interface). Both Pubsubhubbub and older ping types.

It is possible to automatically select the pinged sites by the taxonomy terms assigned to the node, the node type, and whether the node is published on the site's front page. The sites can be pinged either during the cron run or immediately after a node submission.

New in the 7.x-2.x version released 2015-11-16:

  • Extendable ping methods: New ping methods can easily be provided by modules
  • Extendable ping triggers: Pings can now be triggered through an extendable mechanism
  • New ping method: Pubsubhubbub – enables realtime feeds by making it possible to ping a Pubsubhubbub hub whenever a node is updated and embeds the proper discoverability information within feeds and other resources that Pubsubhubbub is activated on
  • Views integration: In addition to basic pinging of arbitrary paths on node updates a more advanced system that integrates directly into Views is now available. This system leverages the Views query setup to figure out whether a node has affected a list or not, making it possible to ping more advanced lists without any troubles. This Views integration is also extendable to easily support eg. new filters.
  • Dynamic paths: The basic pinging of arbitrary paths now support dynamic paths. Want to eg. activate Pubsubhubbub on all Taxonomy feeds? Now you can.
  • Exportable configurations: Throughout this new release configurations has been made exportable and by default a couple of default configurations has been exported to get you started.
  • ...and probably much more – this release is mostly rebuilt from scratch, very few lines has been carried over from the 1.x branch

Still missing in the 7.x-2.x version:

  • Upgrade path
  • The non-XML-RPC ping method from 1.x
  • Ping retries on failures
  • Manual pinging
  • Documentation of all of the new hooks and API:s

Originally created by Stefan.

Project information
