Allows (authenticated and/or anonymous) users to register for events. Events are nodes with certain node types. You can enable registration for any node type and add fields and manage display per type and per node.

N.B. If you can't register or don't see the link/form, you can add ?debug=1 to the URL and the reason will be saved into the watchdog table. It might be a date, a permission, a status etc. The watchdog message will tell.

Since it's built on Entities and Fields, it works perfectly together with Views, Tokens, Rules, VBO etc.


  • PHP 5.3
  • Entity API
  • Entity token
  • Value is >= 1.9
  • Views

Set up

  1. Download & enable + dependencies
  2. Choose node types to enable (admin/structure/types/manage/TYPE/edit)
  3. Add fields to new registration type (admin/structure/node_registration/manage/TYPE/fields)
  4. Tweak registration type settings (admin/structure/node_registration/manage/TYPE/settings)
  5. Party


Most permissions are intelligent: a combination of checkboxes (People > Permissions), registration type settings and node registration settings (node/2/registration/settings).


See the dev docs: docs/ and .api.php.

Panels support

There is a patch by joel_osc on #2008236: Panels support for registrations but since I don't know any Panels, it's not in NR itself.

Project information
