Module working in 8.x branch.
Module Administrator Settings in 8.x branch.
Module working in 7.x branch

The Node Ownership module provides an ability for users to claim an ownership of the node.


  • The administrator can set the content types which could be claimed by user.
  • Email Notifications:Feature not built in D8 version - Please refer the progress on #2722059: [Meta] Port module to D8.
    • Administrator can customize e-mail body and title.
    • E-mail will be sent to admin when the user claims for ownership of node.
    • E-mail will be sent to claimed user when admin approve/reject the claim.
  • Once the module is installed and configured, the link for claim would appear in the node.
  • One user can claim multiple nodes.
  • Once the ownership of a node is given to the user, he would have complete control of that node.


  • New features will be built only on 8.x branch:
    • Please help us by reporting any bugs you may find.
    • We have ported the core logic so far, you should be able to claim a node, not much will happen beyond that.
  • We are no more supporting 7.x branch of this module


The Node Ownership was originally developed by:

Current maintainers:


Supporting organizations: 

Project information
