Creates a queue for each Nodequeue using Nodequeue's own smartqueue capability.

Use case: You have a set of nodequeues. Within each nodequeue, you want to be able to indicate particular nodes as special within that nodequeue. This module automatically creates a smartqueue based on the other nodequeues available.

Still very rough around the edges but that basic functionality is there in the initial 1.0 release: When you create a Nodequeuequeue queue, it will create sub-queues based on your other nodequeues (not Nodequeue queues, as that would start an infinite loop).

Additionally, when an item is added to the Nodequeue queue smartqueue, it will automatically be added to the original queue that inspired it. (It does not yet remove items from the smartqueue when they are removed from the inspiration queue. As my initial use case was for subqueues of just one node each, this cleanup didn't matter much, but that feature is planned.)

Module sponsored by Agaric and a surprising ability to type nodequeuequeue repeatedly without feeling like a complete lunatic.

Project information

  • Created by mlncn on , updated
  • shieldStable releases for this project are covered by the security advisory policy.
    Look for the shield icon below.
