This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.

The Notices module logs all emails sent to site users through the drupal_mail system (as well as any module using mimemail if mimemail is patched with included patch file). It is intended as a "backup" method for users to see important email which are sent to them by the site in case they somehow did not receive the email.

The module provides the following:

  • a "Notices" tab on the users account page listing the subject, date and partial body of all emails sent to the user
  • a block showing the subjects of all emails sent to the user
  • an admin settable method to define a status message to show when the user has notices pending

These notices are not sticky. Once viewed; they are deleted from the db. The user may also select any or all msgs from the Notice listing page and mark them as read.

The admin can set for a std drupal msg to show if the users has Notices pending: when the user first logs in, only on the site's home page or on every page.

5.x-1.1 adds the following new features:

  • Delete-on-read as a configurable option for the user.
  • Limiting the number of notices in the block with a more link.
  • Roles selection for who gets notices
  • Admin configurable Notice expiry.

This project was designed by LiquidCMS and funded by LifeWire, a NY Times Company.

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