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This project implements a very simple user-facing interface to the notifications system by "globalizing" all settings. It is a co-development between Quilted and Chapter Three. If you have good generalized use-cases and/or design ideas for a simplified Notifications UI, please post feature requests to the issue queue.

Currently, three main features are supported:

  • Changes in "Default Message Interval" update all subscriptions for a user.
  • Changes to the "Autosubscribe" settings are global (subscribe/unsubscribe a user to/from all possible threads).
  • Changes to the "Groups Autosubscribe" settings are also global.

The module also adjusts titles and text on the user form to enhance usability.

NOTE: The current development release is an early snapshot only, and is designed to work with the 6.x.1.1 branch of messaging/notifications only.

Project information
