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Filter that adds a summary of a webpage, from the urls found in the text.

When you post a link on facebook, you get a little summary of that site under your comment or post (with or without thumbnail). This works with OpenGraph metatags. Basicly Facebook scrapes the content of the url and makes a nice little summary.

Now you can too show summaries based on OpenGraph metatags! This filter scrapes the urls found in the text and adds the summary to the bottom of the text.

Installation and usage.
1. Install the module as usual.
2. Go to admin/config/content/formats
Select the Text Format you want to add this functionality to and select 'Add a preview of URLs found in the text, based on the URL's (OpenGraph) metatags.'
3. Enjoy!

Your host needs to allow that PHP makes calls to external sources (allow-url-fopen). This filter uses drupal_http_request for external requests. See: and

For more information about OpenGraph see:

This module is under development and ready for testing. All output is themeable and all queries are cached.
There a no known big issues, but it 'should not'™ be used on a production site (unless you think that this module is cool and you don't care).


  • Make multiple images work (Fancy slider?)
  • Make the default theme a bit fancier (Patches please!)

Opengraph Filter is built and maintained by the Drupal nerds from .VDMi/ in Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

Supporting organizations: 
Initiation, Architecture, Maintenance
Development and maintenance.

Project information
