This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.

PixelPerfect is a utility module designed to give Drupal themers the ability to quickly identify inconsistencies between their current theme implementation and the mockup they are working from. When enabled, a themer will be presented with a variety of hybrid displays that will overlay the mockup over the rendered output from the Drupal theme layer. Themers will then be able to quickly and accurately position the mockup overlays to their needs.

To Enable:

  1. Download and enable PixelPerfect
  2. Create a png or jpg of your mockup
  3. Upload the file through the form at /admin/settings/pixelperfect
  4. Enable & Disable PixelPerfect via the link in the Development block, or use the drush commands: "drush pp-en" & "drush pp-dis".



  • Firefox 2+ / Gecko
  • Safari
  • Google Chrome
  • Internet Explorer 6 (limited)
  • Internet Explorer 7 (limited)
  • Internet Explorer 8 (limited)
  • Internet Explorer 9 (jQuery UI draggable() <1.8.6 incompatible with IE9 )
  • Konqueror and derivatives (TBD)
  • Opera 7.2+ (not working)

Project information
