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About the Module


The Postsubscribe module give the visitors to your site the ability to sign up for email updates whenever new content is posted. It also handles comment settings, allowing site administrators to receive email when a new comment has been submitted. Administrative settings are available at Site Configuration - Postsubscribe settings.

Email update settings

When Postsubscribe is installed, a "send node to subscriber" option is added to all content near the bottom of the content entry form. The main Postsubscribe settings screen allows you to choose which content types should have this option checked by default. However, this option can be toggled on or off as each content item is published. For example, even if the box is checked by default, it can be unchecked if you would prefer a particular item not be sent to subscribers, or if you're making a minor edit to an existing item and would prefer another email not be sent. The settings page also has options for when to send, the from address, default text in the emails that are sent, and other similar settings.

Postsubsribe creates a block, "Post subscribe", which can be added to a sidebar or other region in your theme. The block has an entry form for site visitors to enter their email address. When a visitor enters their address, a confirmation email is sent, and they will only receive email updates after they click a confirmation link in that email.

The "Subscribers" tab in the Postsubscribe settings allows you to see who has signed up and to manage subscribers. There are options to subscribe/unsubscribe and to sort, import and export email addresses.

Comment settings

The Comment settings tab allows you to set who should receive email alerts when new comments are posted. It includes options to send email whenever a new comment is submitted or only when comments needing approval are submitted.


Development by: The World Bank

Project information
