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Quote plus is a suite of modules extending the core comment functions with a set of quoting capabilities you would expect primarily, but not only in forum systems as well as format filters to display custom formatted quotes. All extensions can be configured per node type/per filter format.


Quote plus (quote_plus.module)
  • BB-style quote markup with configurable data, e.g.[quote=name;node_id.comment_id;uid].
  • Extended format filter turning quotes into your customized markup and providing tokens for links to the quoted node/comment/user.
  • "Quote" links leading to a comment form automatically filled in with a quote of the referring node or comment.
  • "Multi-quote" links allowing to add multiple nodes' and comments' content as a quote to the comment form.
Quote plus JS additions (quote_plus_js.module)
  • Instant quotes,
  • instant multi-quotes and
  • basic wysiwyg support.

which allow users to quote without leaving the current page.

Quote plus fullquote buster (quote_plus_fqb.module)
  • Detect quotes which ecxeed a configurable length limit and shorten them to an also configurable size.
  • Additional input format filter which will re-format shortened quotes and optionally provide toggle links to switch to the unshortened version.
  • Disallow toggling between shortened/unshortened quotes(no long quotes at all).
  • Strip fullquotes completely and replace them with an informational text.
  • Automatic AJAX based toggling if JS is enabled.


The full quote buster is finally working now. However, there are more features to be added before releasing the first beta version, e.g.:

  • Don't count quotes as comment content (important for auto quote titles and the upcoming "minimum comment length" feature in comment_plus.module

A D7 port will follow as soon as the D6 version is considered beta.


  • Core comment module must be enabled.
  • New: Comment plus must be installed and enabled.
  • JS callback handler is recommended for the JS additions. (Integration works out of the box.)
  • Quote plus fullquote buster requires at least PHP 4.0.5.

Setup and configuration

If you update from release 6.x-1.2-alpha2 or earlier, please follow these instructions:

  1. Check all your node types and remember the additional comment and quote settings related to Quote plus module. You will not need to do this in the future (hopefully), but this time the changes are too fundamental to work automatically.
  2. Disable all Quote plus modules before proceeding.
  3. Install and activate Comment plus.
  4. Check all of your node types. Comment plus is now responsible for some settings that were part in Quote plus and these settings must be configured again - see 1).
  5. Now update and re-enable Quote plus. The remaining settings need not be configured again.
  6. Run update.php to catch up with all recent database changes.

Standard procedure for new installations/updates for 6.x-1.3 and later versions:

  1. Install and activate Comment plus.
  2. Check the additional configuration options for each of your node types (find them at the comment fieldset and below).
  3. Update your input filter formats. Note the additional Advanced quote filter.

Known odds and issues

  • If the default <blockquote><div> syntax gets filtered by the HTML filter, you may wont to
    • add both tags to the list of allowed tags,
    • modify the replacement markup in the advanced quote filter settings or
    • rearrange your filters so the advanced quote filter applies after the HTML filter (most simple method).
    • This module uses BBcode-style quote tags. Although the included "advanced quote filter" is designed to hide these tags from other filters, there may occur issues with other BBcode input format filters (as in bbcode or PEAR BB code). If so, try to rearrange your filters for the related input format:
      • Place the advanced quote filter to apply before a BB code filter or
      • configure your bbcode filter not to handle [quote] tags.
    • At the moment there is no solution for instant replies/quotes/multiquotes with wysiwyg enabled. I'm still at it.
    • As there is no sophisticated syntax check on user provided quote tags, you should either apply the HTML correcting filter to run after the advanced quote filter to avoid malformed markup or make sure that only the right persons may configure a node type's settings.
    • Unfortunately, I did not find a safe way yet to always safely insert quotes into wysiwyg editors with all HTML and linebreaks preserved. If anyone knows how, please let me know.

    Developer support

    The quote_plus_js module introduces an Ajax menu callback which serves JSON formatted data for instant quotes. See README.txt and the function comments in the code. If you need additional hooks to create individual extensions, just open a feature request.

    Similar modules, credits

    The quote module addresses some similar tasks but does this with generally different approaches, although some very basic patterns have been adapted from there. However, you should not run quote and quote plus at the same

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