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This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.

Main Idea

Report Courier is intended to provide a smooth path for report delivery on an Intranet allowing non-tech users to quickly deliver distinct reports to individual users according to their specific areas of interest.

Intended Workflow

The reports are assumed to be individual files named according to a private key and zipped up. The zip file is uploaded, a month and year are chosen. Upon submitting this file, the module unzips the contents, identifies the files, creates a CCK Filefield node and names it using Token module. It then stores the file according to a file structure you can customize using the Filefield_paths module and attaches the security code. You assign your users the security code in the "My Account" area. When the code on the report node and the user match, the file becomes available.

Views Integration

Create a view to show off the report nodes. This can easily provide an archive of past reports for a set period of time. File permissions means one view for everyone. No matter how you set it, the users can only see the files you assigned to other users. More custom views can be created to provide less-technical users (given proper permissions) with the ability to see all reports, filter them with exposed filters and have a pretty smooth experience. Other views can be built to provide a block for the users last 3 reports or alert them of reports less than a week old.

Current Features

  • Upload reports in a batch or individually
  • Can handle multiple content types (not in batch upload)
  • CCK, FileField & Views Integration
  • Easy for the recipient of the reports and maintainer of the reports on the site
  • Multiple user accounts may use the same security code

Potential Enhancements

Feel free to submit patches to enhance Report Courier's breadth of usefulness.

  • Only one security code can be given per user
  • Much of the setup is a manual process, but could be automated
  • Limited number of default views
  • Batch upload to multiple Content Types
  • Custom set priority of permissions
  • Batch remove reports after a certain date
  • Integration with various systems to alleviate the manual creation of reports
  • Batch upload user security codes
  • Warn if file system is set to public (not private)

This module was sponsored by: Fellowship International Mission

Project information

  • caution Minimally maintained
    Maintainers monitor issues, but fast responses are not guaranteed.
  • Module categories: Media, Import and Export
  • Created by flickerfly on , updated
  • shield alertThis project is not covered by the security advisory policy.
    Use at your own risk! It may have publicly disclosed vulnerabilities.
