Relify serves up product recommendations inside Commerce Kickstart.
On-site configuration of Relify recommenders.

This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.

Unfortunately, Relify has closed its doors. This project page will remain available as a reference integration of a remote web service and specifically product recommendations into Drupal Commerce.

For product recommendations inside Drupal Commerce, we recommend using the Nosto integration.

This project integrates with Relify to make recommendations to users and find similar items in a data set. Relify itself is an abstract recommendations service, but my primary use case will be an integration with Drupal Commerce to make cross-selling recommendations to customers when they add products to the cart.

Even though a single Relify account can register multiple client applications, this module currently operates under the assumption of a 1:1 relationship between the Drupal site and a client application. The configuration form only allows you to enter one set of API credentials and will immediately generate an access token upon form submission.

Sponsored by Commerce Guys.

Supported API requests

The following Relify API requests have been integrated along with a full user interface for authenticating a site, creating and populating data sets, creating recommenders, and requesting recommendations. For more information, refer to the API documentation.

  • oauth2/access_token - request an access token for API requests to a specific Relify client application
  • data_sets/create - create a new data set
  • data_sets/:data_set_id/delete - delete a data set
  • data/create - add data to a data set
  • recommenders/create - create a new recommender on a data set
  • recommenders/:recommender_id/:user_identifier/recommended - request recommended items from a data set for the specified user
  • recommenders/:recommender_id/:item_identifier/most_similar - request the items from the data set that are most similar to the specified item


The beta1 was released to coincide with the end of the hackathon. It currently only supports the use case of product recommendations within Commerce Kickstart 2.x via an area handler that can be added to the add to cart modal dialog. You can see it in action by adding a product to the cart on the demo site, or you can read the write-up about it (with screenies) on the Relify blog.

There are various @todo items in the code for improving the user interface, specifically with respect to validating user input when creating data sets and recommenders. After that, the module needs to support updating data sets / recommenders and synchronizing the Drupal site with existing data sets and recommenders in a Relify app. Right now it can only work with those created via the Drupal based user interface.

Finally we can implement additional recommendation use cases, including adding Views filtering support and content recommendation.

Project information
