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Seesmic is a video conversation platform. Seesmic API module provides a Drupal wrapper for Seesmic API (see more about on their wiki).

The module cannot be used directly on your site. This API is mainly designed to provide an entry point for other modules inside Seesmic universe. Seesmic comment is one of those modules.

Powered by ADYAX.
Sponsored by Seesmic !
Original idea & first implementation :

Functions provided

  • seesmic_api_show_recorder ( $reply_to_id = '' ) this function will printout Seesmic recorder inside a div . $reply_to_id Seesmic video ID. Optional argument, which allows you to specify that recorded video is a reply to other video comment
  • seesmic_api_show_player ( $dsvid, $closeable, $autoplay ) where $dsvid is the internal video identifier (Drupal Seesmic Video Identifier). $closeable allows user to close the player. $autoplay - start playing video just after player loaded. This function shows Seesmic player in a div
  • seesmic_api_show_thumb_player ( $dsvid ) where $dsvid is the internal video identifier (Drupal Seesmic Video Identifier). Works just like previous function, but returns thumbnail of video and makes it clickable to trigger a player.


hook_seesmic_api($edit, $op)


  • insert - video is saved on Seesmic

Keys of $edit array is:

  • seesmic_video_id - ID of video saved on Seesmic
  • uid - ID of Drupal user that publish this video
  • created - Unix time of video creation
  • dsvid - ID of video in Drupal database (seesmic_videos table)
  • thumb_url - URL of video thumb on Seesmic

PS : We LOVE Drupal !

Project information
