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Welcome to simple_karma!

This module allows people to give good or bad karma, based on their comments on the web site. It's fully configurable, comments can be buried if their karma is too low, user roles can change according to user's karma values, and so on. It all works through (fully degradable) Javascript/Ajax.

NOTE: this module is now obsolete. It is replaced by Extra Voting Forms and User Karma, which are derived from simple_karma but are based on the fantastic VotingAPI (which means you can use "views" with them).

Here is what the module can do:

- Javascript voting; however, the module works 1000% even if the user doesn't have Javascript

- Abuse control. The module allows you to limit users on how many karma points they can give, to a particular user or in general. The admin can also decide on how many different comments a user can vote on

- Publishing the best comment in a special spot, ONLY for nodes associated to selected (configurable) terms. This allows certain forums (for example) to have this feature, and create a "Ask Jeeves"-like web sites

- Automatic assignment of roles depending on the karma range. This means that you can make some users more powerful according to the karma they have. It's DEADLY CRUCIAL that you create roles SPECIFICALLY for this module. This module will turn the set roles on and off, with no mercy. Roles are assigned when a user signs up, which means that you can assign a "default role" to a user.

- Automatic assignment of userpoints based on a custom formula when karma is assigned. The Karma module will take/give userpoints according to the karma received/taken away. This is handy if you allow people to "spend" their user points, for example.
Note: this feature is now available since the bug was fixed. So, interfacing with userpoints works!

- Bonus karma-voting owers to people with specific permissions. The module sets a number of specific permissions. When a user has them (because they are associated to a role, for example), then the user can give/take more karma on each vote.

- Ability to bury comments below a certain karma. The administrator can set a threshold under which a comment is marked as buried. The comment will still show up, but users won't be able to vote for it nor see its contents.

- Ability for the karma administrator to see all of the buried comments and vote on them (users can't vote for buried comments). This way, the administrator could un-bury them, or use this as anti-abuse mechanism.

- No HTML anywhere in the module. Everything is configurable from the admin interface

- Ability to put the karma form in the link section of the comment or anywhere in the comment template (by hand)

- Ability to see users by karma, and (for the karma administrator) the

- Ability to see who got karma and when

- Karma points expire in N days (where N is configurable). NOTE: points expire only as far as users are concerned. All of the queries consider ALL of the karma votes for comments. This makes sense: a user's karma will tend to 0 as time passes, whereas a comment's
karma will stay forever

NOTE: This module requires jQuery 1.2.1, which is not what comes with Drupal. You can either update jquery.js manually, or use the JQuery Update module. Either way, for this module to work you will need jQuery 1.2.1 - sorry!


Tony Mobily
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