OAuth 2 logo
League logo

Simple OAuth is an implementation of the OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework RFC.

Based on League\OAuth2

This module uses the fantastic PHP library OAuth 2.0 Server from The League of Extraordinary Packages. This library has become the de-facto standard for modern PHP applications and is thoroughly tested.

Supported Branches

To facilitate better quality and security, the maintainers will announce support windows for various versions. All users are encouraged to run 5.2.x. The upgrade path from 8.x-4.x is well documented and supported. PHP 8 is only supported in 5.1.0+.

Version End of life
8.x-4.x ⛔ February 28, 2022
5.0.x ⛔ July 31, 2022
5.2.x TBA
6.0.x TBA


Check the official documentation on the Bearer Token Usage. And turn on SSL!.

6.0.x breaking changes

With the 6.0.x we try to be more conform OAuth2 spec and compliant to the OAuth2 best current practices, this involves a few BC’s summarized here below:


If you find this module helpful, or profit from its use, please consider sponsoring a maintainer to ensure ongoing care for this module.

Automated Testing

This project is part of the early-access program for Drupal's migration to GitLab. The test suite is a little brittle, but currently runs with GitLab CI.

Supporting organizations: 
Development and maintenance
Development and maintenance
Development and maintenance

Project information
