Smart Tribune logo
Smart Tribune AddSnippet module administration screen
Feedback remote form
Example of feedback platform
Smart Tribune administrative interface


SmartTribune AddSnippet is a module that allows admins to easily insert Smart Tribune snippet and control its visibility.
It is used to inject Smart Tribune code snippet just before end body tag which is the recommended placement for Smart Tribune snippet.

Smart Tribune is a brand new SaaS software that let you personalize your online customer relationship, allowing you to build a feedback community for your visitors and customers.


  • Significantly reduce the cost of processing your customer support/request.
  • Engage even more your community and create a real knowledge base
  • Improve your products/services and prioritize your road map in line with your customers ideas and expectations.
  • Improve your ranking in the search engines (SEO) and increase your incoming traffic to acquire more new customers
  • Be innovative in your approach to customer relationship

To learn more about Smart Tribune, feel free to visit the website :

Core Feature

  • Easily integrate your Smart Tribune snippet into your drupal website without editing any file.
  • Control its visibility in order to display your remote feedback form on all or only expected page

Installation instructions

  • Download the module
  • Unzip the archive and move the folder into the module folder of your installation keeeping the folder structure.
  • Enable SmartTribune AddSnipppet module from module liste page.
  • Once the module is installed, go to "Structure" then "SmartTribune snippet" section then add a new snippet
  • Paste your snippet and setup its visibility then save.

That's it!

You can retrieve your Smart Tribune snippet directly from the "Settings button" in your ST administrative interface
Do not forget to allow your domain from "Allowed websites" section

Intended Drupal core version : Drupal 7.x

Project information
