This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.

When activated, this module forces the 'all' parameter to taxonomy term URLs.

For example, let's assume your site have this vocabulary:

- Term 1
-- Term 2
-- Term 3
- Term 4
-- Term 5
-- Term 6

If you go to taxonomy/term/1, then you see all nodes in Term 1 listed, but NOT nodes in Term 2 and Term 3.

If you want to see all nodes in Term 1, Term 2 and Term 3 in a single page, you have to go to taxonomy/term/1/all.

By default, the 'all' parameter is never set by drupal core. This module solves this by simply implementing a hook_init() function that catch if requested page is taxonomy/term/x and transform it into taxonomy/term/x/all.

Project information
