Screenshot of the Permissions page

Taxonomy terms are typically displayed as Taxonomy Term Fields and each term also has a corresponding taxonomy/term/% page, where % is the term's tid. (If the term field is a link, you can click on it to get to the term's page.) There are other contribs that allow you to control access to the fields, but those modules leave the term pages open for everyone to see, even for anonymous users.

The Taxonomy Permissions module adds view terms in vocabulary permissions to the list of permissions of the Taxonomy core module and displays the resulting merged list on the Permissions page.

To avoid surprises, vocabularies are visible by authenticated and anonymous users by default. You have to change the permissions to see any effect of this module. Roles without the 'view' permission for a given vocabulary will not see Taxonomy Term Reference fields for that vocabulary, and they will not be able to access the taxonomy/term/% pages for the terms in that vocabulary.

This module allows you to create vocabularies that are not publicly visible but only for certain roles, for example:

  • vocabularies to control a workflow
  • vocabularies to control node access (with one of the taxonomy access modules)
  • vocabularies to tag users, content, comments, etc. for administrative tracking
  • vocabularies for use by closed user groups (e.g. in a private forum)
  • vocabularies for filtering in Views (planned)

Additional permissions could be added in the future.

Other modules that may be of interest

These other modules provide additional Taxonomy-related (but different!) functionality that may be useful:

Taxonomy Permissions for Drupal 8

We need help for moving Taxonomy Permissions to D8 and supporting it there. This has started in #2606040: Port Taxonomy Permissions to Drupal 8.

Supporting organizations: 
sponsors development and maintenance

Project information
