A package of taxonomy management tools.

  • Taxonomy Publisher
  • Taxonomy Publisher Filter
  • Taxonomy Role Access
  • Taxonomy Redirect
  • Taxonomy Copier

Icons taken from "Crystal" and "Oxygen".

Taxonomy Tools controls global access to taxonomy terms depending on the settings provided by the enabled taxonomy management tools. Also implements node access system to control access for nodes that are associated with taxonomy terms.
Taxonomy tools provides an overview page which provides a summary for vocabularies that use any of the tools included in this module.

Taxonomy Publisher

Adds status "Published" to taxonomy terms and also provides scheduled (un)publishing of taxonomy terms.
The scheduler part is based on code from Scheduler module.
For date mainpulations used datejs library.

Taxonomy Publisher Filter

This module allows you to limit the taxonomy terms listed in a term reference form element or in a views exposed filter.
The current version supports select, checkbox/radio and autocomplete widgets for term reference fields.

Taxonomy Role Access

Allows to control access to taxonomy terms. Works for each user role (except administrator) and is configurable for each taxonomy term separately.

Taxonomy Redirect

Taxonomy Redirect allows to set a redirection URL for each separate taxonomy term.

Taxonomy Copier

Taxonomy Copier allows to make copies of separate taxonomy terms and taxonomy term hierarchy branches. Also works with nodes associated with taxonomy terms.

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