Administrative example

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Testimonial module is a cck/views based solution for creating easy to manage testimonial nodes within a view. Included is a customized administration to make the module simpler for individuals not already familiar with Drupal's administrative paradigm.

This module's intended purpose is to provide an easy to use testimonial module that provides links back to the testimonial provider's website. This module provides a view of testimonial nodes. In addition to this administrative tabs have been added to the testimonial page view. These include a link to manage testimonial nodes (as no direct link to the node is provided) as well as a link to create new testimonials. Testimonial nodes have been set to forward users back to the testimonial page. This is to help provide a consistent interface that will eliminate the likeliness of users, unfamiliar with drupal, from getting lost in its administrative systems.

Additionally, I've provided a content type via cck. This cck content type is provided through the efforts of cck's import/export utilities. The export code can be found in This code is being drupal_executed within hook_install, and provides for a very consistent handling of node types. Since the node type is pre-configured to NOT promote to the front page, and NOT accept comments, there's no need to ever configure the node unless you want something other than it's defaults (simply published and no allowed commenting). This seems better and more consistent than the way current modules provide nodes since virtually every node type has to be configured as the defaults are hardly ever sane for the application.

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