The configuration of the tsuiseki module.

This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.

The Tsuiseki Tracking and Data Analysis System provides tracking and traffic analysis targeted at e-commerce, affiliate and price comparison websites. It also provides click fraud detection(What is click fraud?) and other features like nearly realtime statistics, CTR analysis, path analysis and much more.
This module comes with a simple integration method for the Tsuiseki system. Only a few steps are necessary to use the Tsuiseki Tracking and Data Analysis System:

  1. Register at to get your personal tracking-key
  2. Login at and type in your website information
  3. Download and install the module
  4. Complete the Tsuiseki settings form (/admin/settings/tsuiseki)
  5. Login and analyse your traffic

For further information about the Tsuiseki tracking module see the integration guide available at or the small tutorial regarding drupal integration.
The development of this module was sponsored by Nexico Consulting GmbH.

Project information
