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This module provides a basic integration of Domain Access for Ubercart, allowing an Ubercart store to span multiple domains, storing the originating domain when an order is made and displaying the correct store information on invoices.

This module requires the Domain Configuration module to be installed, and also supports Domain Theme so separate logos can be used on invoices from different domains.

Several new tokens are available that can be used in invoice templates so the correct store name, logo, contact details and URLs are shown. A sample invoice template that uses the new tokens can be found in uc_domain/templates/customer-domain.itpl.php, this can be used as a base for your own templates or simply copied to ubercart/uc_order/templates and selected as the default template at /admin/store/settings/orders/edit. This template can also be used for customer notification emails, if required.

Further feature requests are welcome, please post them in the issue queue.

Project information
