Compatible with Ubercart

This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.

Ubercart Devel Generate takes advantage of the devel module to generate Ubercart content. The module only depends on the uc_product and devel modules at the moment.

Ubercart Devel Generate is currently able to

  • Generate product data when generating product nodes
  • Generate attributes and options
  • Attach attributes and options to generated products

The module currently depends on the patch set for the uc_attribute module found here: #488422: Cleanup uc_attribute's product/class API, and add test coverage for the new API, as well as the UI.. Hopefully this will be fixed soon!

This module is completely defunct until the issue I mentioned above is solved. I submitted a patch almost a year ago now and they still can't get it together.

Work sponsored by Prima Supply.

Project information
