This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.

Upload Log is a module which allows direct uploads from programs to a Drupal site (with authentication, through the HTTP Authentication Module). The sending of notification e-mails is possible, as is data validation.

A demonstration is available in the WaterSums software.

Any programming language that supports HTTP uploads with HTTP authentication can be used to send log files.

Here is an example of a Visual Basic.NET implementation:

Dim local_path As String  = "C:\"
Dim upload_url As String  = ""
Dim username   As String  = "admin"
Dim password   As String  = "admin"
Dim showUI     As Boolean = TRUE
Dim timeout    As Integer = 1000

    My.Computer.Network.UploadFile(local_path, upload_url, username, password, showUI, timeout)
    MessageBox.Show("You just uploaded the log file!  :-)")

Catch ex As System.OperationCanceledException
    MsgBox("File upload was cancelled")

Catch ex As Exception
    MessageBox.Show("You tried to upload the log file, but it didn't work..." & vbCrLf & ex.Message)

End Try

Project information
