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URL profile collects URLs with a common host string and retrieves information for Alexa and Technorati about these hosts.

URL profile is to be used in combination with a feed aggregator. When the aggregator subscribes to a feed with articles from different sources (i. e. the Planet Drupal feed), URL profile finds out which sources those articles are coming from (in this case, ... ) and provides navigation by those sources. In addition to that, page thumbnails and blog rankings are pulled from Alexa and Technorati (API keys necessary).

Leech module and FeedAPI implement an interface to URL profile. Writing your own interface is easy.

The module was originally developed by Marcin Konicki and is currently maintained by Alex Barth. Aron Novak is the original author of url_profile_alexa.

The module is sponsored by Development Seed, the World Bank in coordination with Pierre Wielezynski and the World Resources Institute.

Project information
