This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.

This module is unsupported due to a security issue the maintainer didn’t fix. See VChess - Critical - Module Unsupported - SA-CONTRIB-2018-009 for details.

If you want to use this module, your options are:

  • Choose another, actively maintained module instead
  • File an issue in the queue with a patch to fix the module and then contact the security team to have your version reviewed and the project handed over to you following the unsupported project process.
  • Hire someone to fix the security bug so the module can be re-published and supported (Consider hiring companies listed in the Marketplace)

The Drupal VChess module allows users to play a chess game.

You can try out a working version of this module at

Note that the VChess module itself offers even more options than the website shows, such as a full table of players, random games, named games etc., but these have been disabled for general users.

The interface is with a mouse and most of the basic chess handling is implemented. For a full list of features see below.

It is definitely recommended that if you download this module you take the dev release to ensure you get the latest version.

It was originally based on OCC chess by Michael Speck. It was converted to a Drupal 6 module by hrocho. It is currently being developed for Drupal 7 by drupalshrek.


  • user-friendly move interface
  • board displays automatically oriented to person who has the move
  • performs move validation; illegal moves are not allowed
  • allows castling
  • handles check
  • handles checkmate
  • handles stalemate
  • handles pawn promotion, with choice of promoted piece
  • handles en passant pawn captures
  • resign button
  • displays game scoresheet in full algebraic notation (e.g. "e4", "Nf3", "Bxh8"), including castling (e.g. "O-O"), move disambiguation (e.g. "N2f3"), pawn promotion (e.g. "h8=Q"), check and checkmate (e.g. "Qxf7+", "Rd8#")
  • simple user statistics (won, drawn, lost, rating, most recent rating change)
  • README.txt to help installation
  • allows games to follow pre-defined per-move time limit (e.g. 3 days per move)
  • includes a VChess menu block for easy access to VChess pages
  • game creation vs. random opponent
  • game creation vs. named opponent
  • game creation via open challenges, with acceptance of challenges
  • allows users to choose per-move time limits (e.g. 15 mins per move, 3 days per move)

Todo list:

  • implement full online help for module through hook_help()
  • allow users to choose per game time limits
  • add move time increments (e.g. a game has a 15 minute limit for all moves, but a 10-second move time increment means the player has an extra 10 seconds added to this limit each time he moves)
  • list the pieces currently captured by each side
  • handles draw through insufficient material
  • check for 50-move rule
  • implement flip button, to switch view of board between black and white
  • ability to traverse scoresheet (i.e. go back/forwards over played moves)
  • list of completed games
  • selection of opponent by grade range rather than by name
  • allow drag of moves rather than just click of from/to squares
  • tournaments
  • theming
  • as friendly for blind users as possible
  • filters and game archive
  • PGN export
  • PGN import
  • AJAX
  • permissions
  • ...

Project information
