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This module uses the Views Argument API to allow you to use one view to generate many different blocks. You create a new view, specifying some arguments (a default one is provided, with a Taxonomy: Term ID argument). Then add some new views_multiblock blocks to your site and in the block configuration page, you use the accompanying form (generated via the Views Argument API) to specify the arguments to pass to the view.

Since this module uses the Views Argument API to deal with the view arguments, you have the option of doing a number of creative things, such as having your block switch which nodes are shown based on the taxonomy of the current node, based on the current user and more.

You can:

  • Create a block that shows a related photo for a current node, and that automatically switches which related photo is shown based on the taxonomy of the current node.
  • Create a block that shows recent content created by the current user, and that automatically switches which content is shown in the block based on which user is looking at it.
  • Create a block that shows recent posts in a currently viewed Organic Group, and that automatically switches which content is shown in the block based on which Organic Group is currently shown.
  • Create many blocks that show various content and only rely on one view.

The module includes a couple of features which you may or may not need, but were needed in the original application of it, included a new view style plugin, an option to display the time information for the most recent node in the block (i.e. "Block last updated on..."), and the ability to customize the number of nodes per block with a graphical pager built into the block, shown for users with proper permission. Of course, these customizations may be turned off if needed.

This module was sponsored by Prometheus Labor and developed by Danaus Media, LLC.

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