This module integrates with the WhoSends email spoofing and phishing system API enabling administrators and users to send users email that is tagged with their own secure key image.

This module will be useful to you if you are migrating a non Drupal website and your present site uses this API.

The module integrates with Drupals core mail module to add the key image to the top or bottom of outgoing email, more information about whosends can be found here

This module will not be useful to you if you do not intend to use the Whosends API.

It has not been designed to work with any other mail modules other than the core Drupal system.

If you intend to send HTML mail from the system you will need to format you outgoing mails using HTML tags.

The module is intended to provide basic functionality to users but happy to implement further functionality if it is deemed useful.

Similar Modules:

Mail global header and footer

Project information

  • Created by darrenwh on , updated
  • shieldStable releases for this project are covered by the security advisory policy.
    Look for the shield icon below.
