Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.

Use URL-provided arguments in views filter criteria, which is currently more flexible than Contextual Filters.

The prompt for creating this module was not being able to change the comparison operator when using Contextual Filters. The more I worked through the difference between Contextual Filters and Filter Criteria, the more it became obvious that the two will eventually be one. This module is essentially a stop-gap until that time, and might meld into a contribution to that effort.

Currently, the module supports using URL path segments in Filter Criteria as you would expect, and also supports title placeholders. Both of these features have the added benefit of being more readily readable in your view than the parallel configurations in Contextual Filters.

Still to do is adding a flag system whereby a given string in the URL will remove the filter (e.g. "all", "any", "none", etc))

Project information

  • Created by ctrahey on , updated