Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.

Under active development (sample here http://tiptoes.ca/drupal-popcorn

PURPOSE: leverage Popcorn.js / web native video editing integration into Drupal for content editors
REQUIRES video.js module

Potentially leverage code from Popcorn Maker http://mozillapopcorn.org/popcorn-maker/

1. Field Definition, that includes 'groups' of fields as a representation of each Mozilla Popcorn Plugin
2. User uploads a video.js
3. user enters start/stop time and other plugin-relevant information as an 'events'
4. Node-specific JS is generated based on user entry (see field_plugin_popcorn.js) as an example/stub of what should be generated


Rework as an entity
This needs to be an entity type, I think although the field type seemed great at the time...it's not the right direction
Someone to take on recreating an entity type based on the ideas expressed here in code . (this will be me, in November if no one else is interested in helping by then :)
Popcorn Maker Sandbox (butter etc) needs to go up so we can play (and learn)
I'll try to do this before end of Aug

For more information on the initial commit (which is a draft, including stubs , expect no miracles), please refer to comments in module header or email me emma.irwin@gmail.com

demo is on tiptoes.ca/drupal-popcorn and I will give you admin access to see what that looks like (just email me)

Project information

  • caution Seeking co-maintainer(s)
    Maintainers are looking for help reviewing issues.
  • Created by sunnydeveloper on , updated