Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.

This project is abandoned in favour of the project Bean. The functionality of this module wil be incorpated into bean.


Entity block leverages Entity API to define blocks that:

  • Have a machine name, making them uniquely identifiable
  • Are fieldable, making them extremely flexible
  • Are exportable, all blocks are exportable, which means you can distribute them with features.

In addition, the entity block module adds a new entity, "Block Type" that let's you create bundles of blocks and works just like node types. This means you could have different kinds of blocks with different fields.

Panels support

If you are using panels everywhere, you don't need to have the block module turned on at all. The entity Block module provides a ctools content type that can be used for adding entity blocks to panels without having to depend on the core block module.

Similar modules

  • Block 2 is a sandbox where people are trying to figure out what we should do about blocks in future versions of Drupal. The new blocks will probably have many of the properties that this module provides, but since this module depends on Entity API, it is purely targeted at Drupal 7.
  • Boxes Boxes let's you export your blocks and define new box types as ctools plugins. The difference between that module and this one is that the blocks defined by this module are Drupal entities making it possible to attach fields to them. Boxes can be stored completely in code without the need for entries in the database. Entity blocks needs to live in the database in order to work with fields and entity api.

Project information