Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.

Allows to define pathauto patterns for arbitrary router items.

For example you have already used the taxonomy/term/% router item to style a specific vocabulary but now you have another list for a different vocabulary that you want to structure differently.

Then you can create a view with a path view-product-groups/% that takes a term id as argument. With pathauto_paths you can then create a line with:

* router item view-product-groups/%
* entity type: term
* bundle: Product groups
* alias: products/[term:name]

This will then generate an alias for each term in the product groups bundle. So if you would have a term electronics with tid 5 it would map the alias products/electronics to view-product-groups/5.

An early mockup

Project information

  • Created by Jax on , updated