Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.

git clone http://git.drupal.org/sandbox/leilyrken/1112686.git fullcalendar_event_ajax_manipulation

Not supported anynore and further development continued on https://drupal.org/sandbox/goalgorilla/1207988

The module FullCalendar allow drag and drop for event with Ajax update.

This module to be merged with FullCalendar, add the possibility to Create events by drag and drop (similar to google calendar feature), and to Edit or Delete an Event. The creation is done by selecting a range of date, open a colorbox popup with the creation form for the content type selected in the view configuration and save it with AJAX. If you have the permission, an icon appear on the events, right click on the icon offer you a context menu to Edit or Delete. Edit will open the edit form a colorbox popup and save it Ajax. Delete simply delete the node event with Ajax.

Currently only the D6 version is in development but D7 version can be done.

For more information, or to help in the development, please see: http://drupal.org/node/1085862

Project information