Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.

It is not recommended to use this project for your conference site

Due to the tight timeline the DA had for the COD upgrade project, we have a need to create a forked codebase for creating DrupalCon sites, until the COD project has reached a mature enough stage that we can use it in it's entirety.

If you do want to use COD for your conference site, check out the cod_support project and talk with japerry.

This sandbox is based on Commit 8d600ae to cod_support. We have then applied to this code base:
#1150318-24: Upgrade the cod_events Feature to D7
#1699272-40: cod_bof view should work with single column sessions schedule and tabs

This feature set does also require:

#1279928-15: Features Extra support for date_formats

Sites using this sandbox as a base for cod_support:

Project information