Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.

iOSZoomFix adds ios-orientationchange-fix.js to Drupal which is a script written in
javascript that fixes the Orientation Change Zoom bug found in iOS Devices.

This module adds ios-orientationchange-fix.js in a responsible manner:

* ios-orientationchange-fix.js will never be preprocessed or aggregated.
* ios-orientationchange-fix.js will come after CSS
* You can choose where you'd like the
library to appear (header or footer). The default setting is in the header.

Installing the library:

* Download the library from https://github.com/scottjehl/iOS-Orientationchange-Fix
* Add this folder with the name 'ios-orientationchange-fix' in your libraries folder
e.g. sites/all/libraries
* Check the Status Report page to see if the library is succesfully installed

Enable module.

This module makes it easier for Drupal users to find it on drupal.org. With this
module you no longer need to edit every single theme or add custom JS in a block.
If you're a more experienced Drupal user you can achieve this same functionality using
Javascript Libraries Manager module.

Module originally written by Paulo Carvalho (http://linkedin.com/in/utneon)
-- http://drupal.org/project/ioszoomfix

ios-orientationchange-fix.js (c) 2011 Scott Jehl
-- https://github.com/scottjehl/iOS-Orientationchange-Fix

Project information

  • Created by utneon on , updated