Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.

Etherpad Lite Integration for Drupal.

Etherpad lite is a really-real time collaborative editor spawned from the Hell fire of Etherpad. [..] Etherpad Lite is optimized to be easy embeddable.

This module implements Etherpad Lite as a field. You will need an Etherpad Lite server. Setting this up is beyond the scope of this documentation but it is a straight forward thing and documented at Etherpad Lite on GitHub

Public pads are working well. However authentication for group pads managed by Drupal is a known issue at the moment. See #1467956 for the state of play on this issue.

Patches welcomed.

Thanks to webflo for the bulk of the work and to Gold for the remainder and getting the project out of the sandbox.

Supporting organizations: 
Allowed Gold to work on this on company time.

Project information