This forum is for assistance with theme development.

STICKY: Theme development forum guidelines

The theme development forum was created to aid those who are developing themes for Drupal. This forum is not for issues you may be having with contrib themes. Issues with contrib themes should be placed in the issue queue of the theme in question. Please respect this.

If you you have drupal installed already and are seeking a theme, have a question about a specific theme and what it does or if it will fit your use case, please place your questions in the Post installation forum.

Single Directory Components - webpack

I’d like to use webpack for my scss and js in single directory components. How? Drupal reads css directly from the components folder and not from a dist folder.

Maybe i should create components in src/components and then copy all to the /components folder during the build?

Anyone has a working webpack config?

Drupal 10, "group" contrib module, how to get group type value in theme_preprocess_group function


Drupal 10, groups, that you can find on /admin/group

I need to add a classname to body tag on group full page on front-end.

I try to get value from "group" object (image attachment), but, it seems, the "values" array is protected.

I also try to use function getGroupType() that exist in \modules\contrib\group\src\Entity\Group.php and \modules\contrib\group\src\Entity\GroupInterface.php to get group type value, but, it seems, is not working.

Issues with dxpr_theme_preprocess_flexslider


I’m working on isolating a specific FlexSlider content item in the dxpr_theme.theme file and then displaying it in the Twig file, as shown below, specifically for users with the content_creator role.

Instead this line :  $variables['content']['list'] = $view->render(); generates a 500 error

Twig newbie needs help!

ok so I am working in Drupal 10, converting a D7 site.  There is a view that has a field for 'user roles'... On the D7 site, when you add 'user: roles' as a field in the view, it gives you the option to "only display the selected roles", but this does not exist in the D10 version of Views for whatever reason.  What I need seems very simple but I cannot figure out how to make this happen with Twig... basically what I am looking to have happen is this:

Java handle concurrency

 hy all am looking for how can i handle java concurrency, and if i use this what advantages ofjava.util.concurrent package?


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