DrupalCode profile
Posts on Drupal.org
Starred projects
Professional Info
Personal Info
On Drupal.org for 13 years 10 months
At least 1 edit to documentation
Full stack drupal developer
Drupal Evangelist
Member of Drupal Ukraine Community (https://www.drupal.org/drupal-ukraine-community)
Local community activity:
- Kyiv Drupal Global Training Day organizer https://groups.drupal.org/node/516242
- CodeSprint organizer https://groups.drupal.org/node/477293
- DrupalCamp, DrupalCafe speaker
- DrupalCamp, DrupalCafe helpteam
1. How to grow up skills, by contribution to community
2. Docker use cases https://www.slideshare.net/yunandriy/docker-use-cases-lviv-eurodrupalcam...
3. Code Driven Development in Drupal https://www.slideshare.net/yunandriy/code-driven-development-in-drupal
4. Drupal Contributor Howto https://www.slideshare.net/yunandriy/moldcamp-2015-drupalcontributorhowto
Contributor roles
Fully organized Drupal Global Training Days in Kyiv (Ukraine) https://groups.drupal.org/node/516242
Helping to organize Drupal Europe conference in 2018. Volunteer coordination before and during the event. Register desk coordination at the event
Events organized
Events spoken at
Credited on 78 fixed issues
- Drupal core, 23 issues
- Drupal.org project ownership, 1 issue
- XLS Views Data Export, 1 issue
- SMTP Authentication Support, 1 issue
- Webform, 1 issue
- Anonymous Subscriptions, 4 issues
- Printer and PDF versions, 1 issue
- Search API Synonym, 2 issues
- Eboks integration, 1 issue
- Data, 1 issue
- User Delete Reassign, 1 issue
- Webform: Migrate, 16 issues
- Access Latest, 1 issue
- Olivero, 4 issues
- Views (for Drupal 7), 1 issue
- ESI: Edge Side Includes, 1 issue
- Drupal Europe 2018, 11 issues
- Password Reset Landing Page (PRLP), 2 issues
- User Guide, 1 issue
- Access Filter, 1 issue
- Profile, 1 issue
- simplytest.me, 1 issue
- Social Profile Field, 1 issue
Projects maintained
5 people list andriyun as a mentor