I have created a view with a pager.....I would like now to assign this view to a menu in my navigation. Is that possible?


nevets’s picture

If the view has a page display there will be a menu setting where you can assign it to a menu.

FreedomRoadPublishing’s picture

1. Your view display type needs to be page to add it to a menu. Look in the "Displays" bar to make sure "Page" is there as a display type.
2. If page is there, click on it to select it. If not, you need to create a page display to add the view to a menu.
3. click Add->Page to create a Page display type for the view if no Page display type exists.
4. Select the Page display type. Go to Page Settings->Menu. Page Settings is the middle column. Menu is the 2nd choice from the top and will probably be set as "No Menu" in blue.
5. When you click on the Menu setting, a dialog box appears. Select the "Normal Menu Entry" radio button.
6. A set of text fields and dropdown boxes appear next to the radio button choices. Fill the boxes as you wish them to read. One of the dropdown boxes selects which menu you want your view to be added to, select "Navigation" to have it as a Navigation Menu item.
7. Click apply.
8. Now click on the Path page setting above the menu setting you just completed.
9. Add a path for your view as "/view_name" as one word.
10. Click save.
11. Your view is now part of the menu items. If you want your view to be a sub-item of another primary item on that menu or you want it in a different position, go to Structure->Menus->Navigation (or the menu you selected earlier).
12. To change the position, click on "Show row weights" in the upper right corner. Higher weights move the item to the right or down, lower weights move the item to the left or up. Change the weight accordingly to reposition the menu item.
13. To make the item a sub-item of another menu item, click the "Edit" link in the Operations column.
14. The dropdown box labeled "Parent link" will be set to the menu you are part of (e.g., ). Select the dropdown box to open it. Select one of the items in the menu (rather than the menu name) as the new parent to make your view a sub-menu selection nested within the root items of that menu.
15. Change the weight if you want to move the item in the sub-menu list of items.
16. Select "Save". You'll now see your view nested as a sub-menu item.
17. Select "Save Configuration".

Hope that helps.
Book self-publishing, marketing graphic design, and websites are what we do.

wreckage’s picture

Hello, DanH.

I too, am trying to add a 'View' to the main menu, but I'm lost on your point 1. My View is a Page, but I don't know what you mean by "Look in the "Displays" bar".
Never mind.. I've just found what you mean; Structure > Views > view-name

It seems that it won't work for my photo gallery. When I try to change 'Menu' to 'Normal...' as you advised, I get this error; "Views cannot create normal menu items for paths with a % in them."

I'm now experimenting with Default Tab Options, etc. Fun, fun, fun!!! :-)

gjlook’s picture

my view is called menu_client_list and in the path option in page settings ive entered /menu_client_list
i keep getting path not found message
how can i test what my url should be ?


i started from scratch - added a new view and once i entered a new view name the path was automatically created and i clicked on the add to menu link . that worked fine. I then deleted the existing view i was trying to add to menu .

VM’s picture

The url of the view is whatever you set the path to be in the page display of the view.

gjlook’s picture

i even typed in /123 ... didnt like it . still its working now
thanks for replying

Bahson’s picture

this was very helpful, thanks a lot :)