Views HowTos

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HowTos for Views 3 in Drupal 7.

Adding checkboxes/Radios to table

The 1st snippet displays checkboxes at the first column

Count, sum, average, min, max in Views

Views 2

D7: Embed a Views 3's result into a page

Update broken link

D7: Using table column click sort with taxonomy terms.

If you enable the table column click sort on a taxonomy field, it will seem to sort randomly. This is because the sort is by Term ID, not

Enabling standard pagers in your custom views backend

If you write a custom backend for Views 3 (eg you have an external data source that you wish to expose through a view) you'll need to ensure

How to make Union with different views or displays

Suppose you need to build a view that get fields of entity which have complex relationships with other entities and won't be happened in one

How to use Views 3 and Panels to create a RSS feed for comments for each node

Here is my way of creating a RSS feed that displays for each page or node for the comments on that specific page. The use case for such a

Overriding default views in code

One of Views' most useful features is being able to export a view into code. This has a few benefits:

PHP contextual filters

When you want to do more advances contextual filtering you could use PHP contextual filter code.

Programatically Updating Views Permissions

In the event that you wanted to change a single, or multiple views permissions en masse, you simply need to:

Using PHP to Rewrite Views 3 Output

In your view edit page, go to Advanced -> Other -> Theme: Information.

Using Views with a non-default data source

Here are some examples of data source plug-ins that Views can use as query back-ends.

Views Contextual filter and manual Pane argument

I wrote this down because it took me a long time to find a solution to do the following:

Views permissions

Just some general tips and tricks about views and related permissions.
