In #3260347: Schema for views style displays are missing schema file was introduced that had some wrong settings which caused options in Bootstrap Tables to not apply. Those options are:
- Striped
- Bordered
- Condensed
- Hover
The only option that still was applying was "Borderless" as it was missing from views_bootstrap.style.schema.yml.
Steps to reproduce
Create a Bootstrap Views Table and configure options like Striped, Bordered, Borderless, etc.
See that the settings are not being loaded and instead being converted to boolean "true" values
Proposed resolution
Update schema to match the type of data expected or change form.
I went the route of updating the config schema, using the Config Inspector module to help validate configuration.
Remaining tasks
User interface changes
API changes
Data model changes
Updates to views_bootstrap.style.schema.yml for the Bootstrap Table options
Issue fork views_bootstrap-3449513
Show commands
Start within a Git clone of the project using the version control instructions.
Or, if you do not have SSH keys set up on git.drupalcode.org:
Comment #3
emerham CreditAttribution: emerham as a volunteer commentedComment #4
adamcadot CreditAttribution: adamcadot as a volunteer commentedRestores the Bootstrap Table functionalities.
Comment #7
shelaneThank you.