
i was using WYSIWYG 6.1 and I apply the patch @27 of #689218: Improved support for CKEditor
I got a beautiful toolbar.

Now I have upgraded the module WYSIWYG to version 6.3 and I have find that the last patch, @27, was not applied.

See attached images.

I don't want to use an external module and a hook.

Can you apply that patch to ckeditor.inc file? In this way, anyone using ckeditor will have a nice toolbar.

function wysiwyg_ckeditor_settings($editor, $config, $theme) {


 $settings['toolbar'] = array();
  if (!empty($config['buttons'])) {
    $extra_plugins = array();
    // Lines added
    $toolbar_groups = array(
      'Source' => -1,
      'Save' => 0, 'NewPage' => 0, 'Preview' => 0, 'Templates' => 0,
      'Cut' => 1, 'Copy' => 1, 'Paste' => 1, 'PasteText' => 1, 'PasteFromWord' => 1, 'Print' => 1, 'SpellChecker' => 1, 'Scayt' => 1,
      'Undo' => 2, 'Redo' => 2, 'Find' => 2, 'Replace' => 2, 'SelectAll' => 2, 'RemoveFormat' => 2,
      'Form' => 3, 'Checkbox' => 3, 'Radio' => 3, 'TextField' => 3, 'Textarea' => 3, 'Select' => 3, 'Button' => 3, 'ImageButton' => 3, 'HiddenField' => 3,
      'Bold' => 4, 'Italic' => 4, 'Underline' => 4, 'Strike' => 4, 'Subscript' => 4, 'Superscript' => 4,
      'NumberedList' => 5, 'BulletedList' => 5, 'Outdent' => 5, 'Indent' => 5, 'Blockquote' => 5, 'CreateDiv' => 5,
      'JustifyLeft' => 6, 'JustifyCenter' => 6, 'JustifyRight' => 6, 'JustifyBlock' => 6,
      'Link' => 7, 'Unlink' => 7, 'Anchor' => 7,
      'Image' => 8, 'Flash' => 8, 'Table' => 8, 'HorizontalRule' => 8, 'Smiley' => 8, 'SpecialChar' => 8, 'PageBreak' => 8,
      'Styles' => 9, 'Format' => 9, 'Font' => 9, 'FontSize' => 9,
      'TextColor' => 10, 'BGColor' => 10,
      'Maximize' => 11, 'ShowBlocks' => 11, 'About' => 11
    // End Lines added
    $plugins = wysiwyg_get_plugins($editor['name']);
    // Line added
    $group = 0;
    // End Line added
    foreach ($config['buttons'] as $plugin => $buttons) {
      foreach ($buttons as $button => $enabled) {
        // Iterate separately over buttons and extensions properties.
        foreach (array('buttons', 'extensions') as $type) {
          // Skip unavailable plugins.
          if (!isset($plugins[$plugin][$type][$button])) {
          // Add buttons.
          if ($type == 'buttons') {
	    // comment next line
            //$settings['toolbar'][] = $button;
	    //Lines added
	     if (isset($toolbar_groups[$button])) {
              if (isset($last_group) && $last_group != $toolbar_groups[$button]) {
              $last_group = $toolbar_groups[$button];
            $settings['toolbar'][$group][] = $button;
	      // End Lines added
          // Add external Drupal plugins to the list of extensions.
          if ($type == 'buttons' && !empty($plugins[$plugin]['proxy'])) {
            $extra_plugins[] = $button;
          // Add external plugins to the list of extensions.
          elseif ($type == 'buttons' && empty($plugins[$plugin]['internal'])) {
            $extra_plugins[] = $plugin;
          // Add internal buttons that also need to be loaded as extension.
          elseif ($type == 'buttons' && !empty($plugins[$plugin]['load'])) {
            $extra_plugins[] = $plugin;
          // Add plain extensions.
          elseif ($type == 'extensions' && !empty($plugins[$plugin]['load'])) {
            $extra_plugins[] = $plugin;
          // Allow plugins to add or override global configuration settings.
          if (!empty($plugins[$plugin]['options'])) {
            $settings = array_merge($settings, $plugins[$plugin]['options']);
    if (!empty($extra_plugins)) {
      $settings['extraPlugins'] = implode(',', $extra_plugins);
  // For now, all buttons are placed into one row.
  // comment the next line
 // $settings['toolbar'] = array($settings['toolbar']);

  return $settings;
#1 ckeditor_1054914_1.patch2.58 KBeletre
toolbar_ok.jpg14.43 KBeletre
toolbar_bad.jpg12.16 KBeletre
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eletre’s picture

2.58 KB

I tried to do a new patch from version WYSIWYG 6.x-2.3

Needs reivew.


freestone’s picture

I changed to 6.x-2.x-dev and the tool bar is great .... I have had no issues with Dev

TwoD’s picture

Status: Needs review » Closed (duplicate)

Sorry, but this won't get committed.
We need a solution that can handle all editors and we're working on that in #277954: Allow to sort editor buttons.
You're welcome to help testing, reviewing and contribute code over there, we need everyone we can get for this one.

If you need a quick workaround that doesn't require Wysiwyg's or CKEditor's files to be modified, check out #829266: Fixing toolbar for the CKeditor / Using the settings hook.