Hi, I am working on a Drupal Commerce site and I would like to know how ImagePicker can be extended to support commerce entities? Drupal Commerce apparently uses entities rather than nodes to add a new product to the store, then uses a "Product Display" node to actually display the product. Basically, when I add a product to my store I use the same image for several lines of products, however the ImageField "default" option is not appropriate for my use, I'd prefer to be able to select from a pool of existing images with ImagePicker.

I'm not a coder, but please let me know if I can help test and extend this module to work with entities, or to work with any "Image" field anywhere actually, entity, node, etc. Or kindly let me know if I am missing something in the configuration that would allow this usage. I actually need the same functionality in FilePicker too, because some of the manuals for these products are the same across several items.

Thank you,


RowboTony’s picture

Hi, for anyone else needing a solution for this - I've just found the module FieldField Sources for D7 that serves the purpose I need for now, it's not yet posted in the downloads section for D7, but it can be downloaded via git.tar.gz >> http://drupal.org/node/864800#comment-4362176 it works at the Field level so it's available everywhere regardless of node type, etc.

hutch’s picture

A beta1 'stable' of filefield_sources for D7 has been released this morning. I will experiment if I can, just peeping into the code I see a sources/attach.inc that looks promising. The issue queue states that there might still be bugs but the maintainer is alive and kicking so it's worth the effort to follow this up.